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Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I'm honestly thinking about it. That's my friend Eric by the way.

I'm really proud of the expressions in the second panel. It's just funny to me. I love the looking into the camera at certain points to highlight the irony.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Tripod has been seriously pissing me off.

Early update again. For two reasons. One, it's thursday, two, I don't know when tripod will let me on here again. See you guy's tomorrow.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I finished Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh.
What, Tim read a book? I shall explain. A guy brought in a shopping cart of kids type books into the library. I found that book and a wrinkle in time. My friend really liked the movie Secrets of Nimh, so me I read a lot of books that became movies. In any case I really liked it. It was an easy read so I got through it quick. I'm now trying to read the Exorcist. See how that goes.

Today in my graphic design class, the teacher took us to the Walt Whitman center (a performing arts building behind the dorms, that nobody really knows is there) and made us put tags on things with a fact and a myth. i'm wondering, when did we go back to first grade? The sculpture teacher honestly talks to us like we are little kids, kinda annoying.

Backwards Alphabet played a last minute show at Saint Joe's senior barbeque. We thought it be funny to be on a slanted road blocking the way of students. Unfortuantly it wasn't really good for Dave's drums. Unfortuantly my guitars or other things keep messing up and dropping out. So I hated that. We played an mostly ignored, pretty good set. Man rutgers don't do that.

Well I want to go bye bye.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Well the postcards are almost gone. I wish I could say I'm suprised I ran out so quickly, but since it was a cute card and free, people took it. Now if you want to get the Few Limited Speacial Edition(meaning flawed), first run, offical Stars on the Ceiling postcard (with that impresive title who can resist) better hurry.

On the advice of a friend *cough* Lucy *cough*, I put the names on each individuale comic page, so when your scrolling through you can see the name. I also checked and fixed all the links so it can scroll smooth and accurate. So enjoy that kids.


Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

First I'd like to welcome any newcomers that have come to check out the site.

The problem with the postcard was because the text on the side went straight down. It's a big mistake cause it doesn't read well. Which I agree with. Otherwise everybody loved it. I fixed it so when I print again it'll be better.

A friend of mine went right onto the site before the digital photography class to check it out. She really loved it. There was a girl who read my comic and totally loved it. It made her want to do the same thing, which made me feel good cause I inspired someone to draw their own comic.


Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

It was a porteguse resturant in North Philly called Tito Peuta, I think. The food was good. Grandma and Grandpa always find the most interesting places, they wander around alot.


Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I had practice today. First time in a awhile. Seemed to be tension or something in the air. I can't say for sure why, but I felt it.

Also we shot a video. Meaning, Ted video taped us karokieing to Zombie Love Song. It was quite fun. I believe the concept is Dave and Fitz become zombies and have sex with each other, or the don't fall in love. Fitz says it's not really a love song so I guess it makes sense.

I almost forgot, but I got post cards in. I guess I'll just give away this batch. If you want one you can just email me your address and I'll mail you one or get one directly from me.


Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Typography class seems to be the most interesting class I have. As we're doing our work we're just sitting around chatting about anything and everything. Don't have that in my other classes. Just doesn't seem to happen other times. Which kinda sucks since the graphic design class is suppose to be about building a community. It's funny.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Well it's thursday, so I'm updating early. So I guess that's it, see you tomorrow.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I promise tomorrow's will be funny.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I'm begining to worried I have brain damage. *Shrug*

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

My head hurts.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

That's it.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Helped Grandpa fix things around Kelly's appartment. That's about it.

I also saw Pink Floyd's the Wall. It was the methapor laiden, eratic, and bizarre movie that everybody said it would be. I'm sure no amount of drugs would of helped me understand it better. The animation was cool though.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Sorry for no update yesterday. I was at the dorms all night. Might become problematic updating on Thursday. We'll talk.

Apparently everybody was up late finishing the project. I worked from 8-2 slept till 5:30 then worked until half an hour into class. I was still not done. I blame my sharpie that was running out of ink. Well I'm hoping I'll do it better.

Well, in the long run it was better I stayed in and work on my project. Unfortunately I didn't get all the sleep I actually stayed over to get, but I got more done since I stayed.

Talk to you tomorrow kids.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

The, downside to not having a lot to do, I stand around doing nothing and I get really bored. Hopefully I can get to a computer. Towards the end I got soooo tired.

I actually thought of the "man" comic yesturday at 11, but didn't get it done till today. I think I don't get deep comics done sometimes cause I get conflicted about em, I don't write the idea down, or I just decide not to deal with it and go with a fuinnier one.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Well I put goldfinger's cover of "feel like making love" on a cd. It got stuck in my head. Grrrr, I hate that.

I watched the new show "Bones". It wasn't a very good, but Bones was extremely hot. Unfrotuantly her hottness didn't even out, the half hearted wanna be sentament of the characters acting, but it was nice. Also apperently they put a stalker in the mix for some reason. I have a feeling it won't be the last of that character.

Kelly went to the goodwill near her house to pick up some furniture. I went in and found a nice librarins sweater. Dark green, only 4 bucks. I also got a 15% discount for being a college student. So a end table, 2 chairs and the sweater came out to less then 20 bucks. Ahhh lovely.

School's hard, mostly cause I am very lazy. Got lot's of work I should get done but have put off cause I am very lazy. However I got plenty of time to do my little comic. How nice.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I was conflicted weither to do "just the..." as a Stars on the Ceiling or as an As of Yet Untitled. For obvious reasons. But I decided to go for it.

In "standing up..." I did feel like a conformist by actaully following the directions to a lame ass assignment. The guy's name was Sean. He didn't draw anything. He said I could take his space. So I had the brillant idea to write "protest" in the space. When they were talking about the work the whole class did, they made it a speacial interest to look at my phrase. They praised me for being so creative, kinda not understanding why exactly I wrote it. After I wrote it I kinda felt stupid, because the better idea was to do nothing instead of actually doing something with the space. In any case it was an interesting class.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I think I'm just going to accept I have nothing important or deep to say. That this comic is just a funny thing and it's deep every once in awhile. I guess that's cool, hey it's alright.

I also got buisness cards and postcards coming. Should be here in a month or so.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Yea, I had some fun hanging out. So I'm sitting at home relaxing. I'm waiting for Bruce Cambell's new movie "the man with the screaming brain" to come on. Cause I'm sure it'll be interesting, like all Bruce Cambell movies.

Well I got nothing else. Goodnight.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Well here's a comic. Later.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I had to actually go despite the fact I was there for three years. Since they had free pizza and I'd actually know the faces of the people who work there I went. It was alright.

Well goodnight.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

In the silly transvestite comic. I'm not really against the idea of the whole putting different types of artist togther to see what you get. The teacher promises that we'll still learn everything that we need. So I'm not worrying about being cheated out of learning anything. It's just that the painting teacher is kinda annoying. I may be overreacting, but I do find her frustraiting.

Also I drew myself in drag to pay omage to the guy who originally came up with the punchline. I'm sure people who know me could guess who the person is. Eddie Izzard. I also did this cause I always wanted to draw me as Eddie.

I did the yea I said it comic, for two reasons. One, because I thought I shouldn't. The second was because I truely thought it was funny. I originally thought of this when I was in my computer animation class. They were talking about building a jewish muesam in philly. Everytime they said Jew I giggled. Cause it just sounds funny. It may be just me.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I forgot to mention I beat Metal Gear Solid 2. I have several complaints. The story was so fucking complicated, double dealings, things are not what it appeared, triple crossings. Metal Gear Solid one had it's share of twist and turns, but it was a lot more feasable then 2. Also I only played Snake for one level. I wanna play 3, I hope it is a lot better. Apparently it's set before the original metal gear.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Nothing exciting today. Be back tomorrow.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I just saw Catch 22. And I was mad. Quite pissed off. I don't know how much of it is real, but by god if it's close I'm pissed. There was this one part where the couldn't sell some cotton. The Germans agreed to take it if they bomb their own base, WHICH THEY DID. It's just unbelieveable man.

I calmed down and just went back to concerning myself with my own life.

I helped Kell with the last bit of her moving. Since we spaced it out over the week it wasn't too much. Also we had charlie's kid Brandon and his friend Christin(I don't know if that's right).

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I went to Depford and Saw Transporter 2 with Dawn, kinda lame but all right.

I know there's at least 5.
1. Sleepy Hollow
2.Edward Scissor Hands
3.Charlie and the Chocolate factory
4.Corpse Bride
5. Something

Yea I Know I spelled "Depp" wrong.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I went out with a group of friends yesturday. We sat, drank, some smoked, and played trivia. It was a fun time for all. Luckly I got up for my 8:00 class with no problems. I got into the class and it's alright I guess. Because of the night before I wasn't as into it as I would like. I'm actually now signed up for it, which is good cause now I'm full time.

Well that is all. Night.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

First day of school. Getting there was quite an adventure. Being impatient, missing early buses. Got there close to 9 thinking I'm going to be late for class. Unfortuantly I learned that class is at 10.

My teacher apparently is in London till next week. so Class is going to be boreing and such.

Meet up with lot's of old friends. It was cool.

I'm posting early cause I have a really early class and I'm staying over in the dorms. So see you guys tomorrow.


Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Helping sister move again. So posting early.

I did a guest comic for a guy named Eric Haggstrom, who does a very funny comic called Comically Large. He's away in Rome I believe. It should be up till friday click to see it. You should read it. It's actually quite funny.

Wish me luck for school tomorrow, bye.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Helping sister move+tiredness+more metal gear gaming = As of Yet Untitled comic.

See you tomorrow.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Taking a break from Metal Gear Solid 2 to update.

Awhile ago when I put forth the idea of building a forum. Someone suggested that I start a Live Journal community instead. Well I forgot I actually made one. Except I thought I messed it up so I never bothered telling anybody. But I guess it's fine and it's still up. If you have a Live Journal click If you don't you can go to the Offical forum at

I added a contact page. So if you wanna get in touch with me there is how. Back to video game action.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

It wasn't an all day marathon per-say. It was just replaying the entire season. Nothing much else for today.

Yesturday however was much more eventful. My sister Kelly's work had a worker outing. It was around when I was in the gift shop when I realized they changed the name from the New Jersey State Aquarium to Adventure Aquarium. It was early so not too many people there. Just Kelly's friends from work. They were very fun and cool to hang around with (Not saying it cause Kelly reads this). We managed to walk through and see everything in like an hour. It's amazing that all the tanks had magnafieying glass for the fronts. Is it wierd to just wait for something to scare me while walking through the aquarium? Anywho around one we left to go to Dave and Busters. They had a lunch buffet and OPEN BAR. I took full advantage. Milkshakes soda and some morgan and sprite. Next I hit the Midway with my ten dollar game card I got for free. Played all shooting games really. They didn't have any really adventure games to play except the old games. Also don't try to win tickets anymore. My grip is that I spent five bucks and got two games out of the large toy crane. I coulda got five from the shore. Bastards. Well afterwards me and Kell were wiped and it was raining so I just stayed home.

That's about it. Goodnight.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I had a long fun filled day. Unfortuantly I'm to tired to draw up a comic about it. However I leave you with a new install ment of As of Yet Untitled.

Enjoy and I'll be back tomorrow with the story.

Also I must say The Grudge is a lot more interesting then I thought it would be.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I invite one and all to Stars on the Forum. It's up, running and ready for everybody. You can click above to go to it. The address is Check it out. Soon I will try and fill it with the amazing fans of Stars on the Ceiling. To disucss whatever. You can all thank Ted for it.

That is all. Take it easy people.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

I think I should see a doctor about my constant tiredness. I've been wanting to do a full checkup. Bloodwork, physical, xrays the whole shabang. But alas it probably cost too much and I have no time or drive to actually do it. Oh well.

Guess what. The forum will soon be up. Ted(who's building it) will be through with it soon. Also merch will be made soon. At first it's going to be my buisness cards and postcards. But I hope to also get magnents, stickers and pins made. Everything will be priced to sell. Meaning in the quarter or so area. Well more info coming soon.


Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

It was the end of the day so everybody started talking. They said the key to a succesful marriage is to make her happy and give up anything you want. Which I find disturbing. Adrian mentioned that Chris Rock said "Fuck you, it's not about you anymore". That's true. But it's not all about the other person either. As Wilson(home Improvement) said. Marriage is the building of a bridge and a succesful marriage is where the two meet in the middle.

I've always felt succesful relationships are about meeting in the middle. Unfortuantly sometimes the middle is hard to find.

Xanga Live Journal My Space Blogger

Work sucks. Bah.

Anywho (I say that alot nowadays), I have some new stuff. The forum is on it's way. In the meantime I have brought you kids a guestbook. It was a lot easier to get then the old ones tripod use to have. So I put it up, just click to the left.

Also in my ever expanding search for an audience. I've decided to annoy people at To be honest I know nothing about the site. But hopefully I'll attract new readers. So Check it out.

Now today's comics.

It's just funny man.

I was just sitting at work and my boss was talking to someone else and I heard him say "Yea me and tim are going soon". Huh? I thought to myself. I asked what was I doing and he explained I was going to help Camden County Community College Students sign up to allow them to check out books in our library. Well I sat finished a comic (not this one) and talked online to Eddie. Till my relief came. You should definatly check out You'll Have that.

That's it. Peace.

Xanga Live Journal My Space

I can't help but not like my drawing style. Mostly cause none of the cartoon characters I draw, never resemble the people in real life. It's totally lame, but hey. I think of them as just represent who they are, not a depiction of the person.

Anyway, see you tomorrow.

Xanga Live Journal My Space

Okay, now that's out of the way we can discuss what's new.

Take this site for example. This site features, brand spanking new comics, updated on the same schedule as before, everyday. It will also carry the news. This is a big help for me because now I just have to update one site. Not only are the new comics here, but the month of july and all your favorite As of Yet Untitled and Under Construction comics are here too.

The merch I sorta promised is coming. I have to gather up the funds and figure out how I'm going to run my ordering system before I can do that. But I have designs and I'll give everyone a sneak preview when I get a chance. While you wait you can cruise to the fun stuff page and download wallpapers. Yay.

The forum is also coming soon.

If you miss the comics from june till the very begining. Do not fret, you can still see them on the other site. Just click here.

That's it. Be back tonight with a new strip. Bye

Xanga Live Journal My Space

Hi, if your reading this. I thank you with all the sincerity and love that I have in my whole body.

I spent the time doing many things. Finishing class, designing some merch, contemplaiting what Stars on the Ceiling is all about.

I though long and hard about what I'm going to do about this comic. Thinking of who is reading, what I want to accomplish and what is the general idea of what it is this comic is suppose to represent. After thinking about it I've come to the conclusion that it's going to be what I inteneded it to be. A journal. In the sense it will convey all of me. Good bad, funny, how I see things.

I've decided, to stop holding back things a little more. At least when it comes to what I think about certain topics. I'm going to talk about things that I want to talk about. I've always wanted this to be my way of express myself and just get things out.

Basically the first comic sums everything up.

I'm worried I'm making it sound like the comic has lost it's way, now I'm bringing it back. God I suck.

So, I'm back. Thanks for waiting everybody. I truely appreciate it. Also I'll give you a better update on other things that are a lot happier to talk about.


Xanga Live Journal My Space

Hey guys. Just wanted to stop in to give you guys an update, the word kind, no new comics yet.

Well breaks going okay. In the finally strech of my photo class. Soon as I get my good photos back I'll post em. I've been using this time off to work on a few few things to mark my return to the web.

First is my websites. I realized people go to the new comic site more then the news. So, I'm going to start doing my news over there. And using the old news page as a storage space for all my old stuff like news and comics. Right now the old news page is disabled till I get everything set up. But I fixed my address so it goes straight to the new News site.

Recap. News site=Archive site New Comic Site=News and New Comic site.

Also I'm currently designing merch. I feel so bad trying to sell my crappy drawings. If nobody buys em I'll just give em away or something. I'm not going to go to deep on this one cause I can't guarentee it'll happen. However I might try and design wallpaper. Maybe that'll be cool.

Lastly, I'm annoying a friend to help me set up a forum and/or guestbook. Hopefully I can build a communtiy or at least have something for people to leave messages for me. We'll see how that pans out.

Bear in mind. That everything except the website is just a hope. It's not guarenteed to happen, but I'm hoping.

I think it's incrediable ironic that the news site has half as many visits for this month as the comic site. I don't know  why.
Well kiddies there's no easy way to say this. But after about a month and a half of doing daily comics. I'm calling a time out.
I'm taking a break from drawing Stars on the Ceiling for a while. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the comic and want to continue with it. But I think right now I need a break in hopes that I will come back renewed with excitment for the strip and feeling that it's the best.
Might take some time to fix up the site, do some things. If you have any suggestion to enhance the site. I'd be interested to hear them. Just email me at
So I'll be back.
But before I leave I want to sincerly thank every single person who has become a regular veiwer of this strip. I truely appreciate your patronage. I express a bigger thanks to the people I've meet through my comic. Thanks man.
Take it easy people. See yea around.

AOYU - "Annoy Rock"
*Insert witty banter about topics*

"On My Way To Work"
Trying to get work done in photography. Staying late developing film and making prints and whatnot. I'm thinking of putting some pics up on here. Cause I think it be cool to show off that stuff. Just for fun.
Anyway no ranting tonight. So I bid you adew dudes and dudettes.

One new one
"If You Don't Get It, Your Not From Philly"
I heard it on the radio. Some guy who visits places, who knows. I just wonder who says that.
Aparently my grandmom is going to check out my comic too. I'm going to be interested on what she thinks. Especailly with some of the humor I use.
I don't know about this comic. I mean I don't know if it's as good as it's suppose to be. I mean it's still got good jokes. But it was never really about that. It was just my place to express myself. I don't know I just get a feeling that the quality is kinda dropped. I could be crazy or just don't know about the comic. Oh well maybe I've just lost the passion. I was thinking of taking a break. But I'm worried I'd lose all the new people that come to my comic. *sigh* I'll figure something out.

One new one
What can I say?

One new one
The show was pretty awesome. We arrived at Morielltes(or something) and we had to wait for them to clear out the tables and chairs in the dinning room. Then we had to wait till around 9:30 before the first band went on.
The Stone Jack Ballers opened the show. They were awesome. It was a reunion show. They haven't play togther in seven months. They did good. There fans where there in droves. They screamed request and for an encore. So it was a very hard act to follow.
Around 11 we finally got to play. We rocked out with are set. It was cool.We had a nice crowd of family and friends there and I thank you for going. After we were done we got some nice complements from the crowd. Espeically the lead singer for Stone Jack Ballers, Matt. He said we had great harmonies. I was suprised cause neither Dave or Me can sing. But it was nice of him to say it.
There's talk of more shows coming. I hope so.
Well I guess that's it. Take er easy people.

One new one
Backwards Alphabet
Friday, August 5th - 9:00-11:00pm
@ Molettiere's Cafe  21+
So I got a show tonight so posting early. Give you the low down tomorrow.

One new one
AOYU - "Dark Comedy"
I came to the realization that I may only have the patients for being a classical animator. Cause I can't deal with the developing process or staring at a computer. I think I'm just frustrated my pictures aren't coming out the way I want. Bah I'm tired and stuff. I have no idea why. I should sleep more.

Backwards Alphabet
Friday, August 5th - 9:00-11:00pm
@ Molettiere's Cafe  21+

One new one
"He's so Wacky and Crazy"
Nothing much else to say.

Five new ones
"I have Nothing to Hide",  "Goodbye Old Friend", "Visitor", "Q-mart Verses the Aicheles" & "Uh-Oh"
As you will see in the first comic while my mom was driving me to work today, she suddenly asked for the address for this site. Now I've been doing this site for almost a year and this is the first time she asked. I think she's just curious. Cause she sees me scanning my strips and posting them so I figure she wants to see what I'm up to. That's cool if that is it.
Now to discuss my weekend.
Thursday night we gathered the group. My Brother "Big Guy", his wife Jeanine, and there sons David, Joe, and Frank. I drove dave in our other car while Mom drove everybody else in the van. We ate dinner at a crapy chinese buffet. Then we headed to the cottage. We made it with no complications. We unpacked and just relaxed and eventaully slept.
Friday we eventually decided on going to the mall (if forget the name). We all piled into the van and took off. We walked all around the mall, seperating then coming back togther then seperating again. I bought a new chain for my wallet. It's good to have it back.
Saturday the gang hit Q-mart. Me, Dave and Joe couldn't wait so we headed of in the white car. Between Dave, Joe and Big Guy they tore that place apart. They bought Cds, records, video games. They were bargin hunters who hit the motherload. Grown tired of Q-Mart Me, Dave and Joe left and hung around the cottage waiting for the rest to come home. Basically we sat in all night watching movies.
Sunday after one last trip to Q-mart we left for home. I took Dave and Joe while Mom took Frank, Jeanine and Big Guy. I soon recieved a phone call full of terrible news. Then van finally up and died. I've said before of the problems it had, well it finally decided enough is enough. Grandpa had to come with his car to drag to a spot where it can be towed.
That was my weekend. Full of laughs, buying and sadness.
Well see you tomorrow.

One new one
AOYU - "Who Asked You?"
I'mmmm Baaaack
First off much thanks to Fitz for filling in. Also for not screwing it up. He's mostly right. Depending on the events he might be back. He did do a good Job.
Secondly thanks to Eddie, David and Fitz again for their submissions. I really enjoyed them. Even though I never saw Fitz's till I got back. I will be posting their comics in a new section I just put up just for them. I hopefully will have commentary on the strip from the artist and some info on them.
Also I did forget to mention we had a show on friday. Also I forgot to mention that we have a new album for sale. Go to our website to purchase and check out info on the show.
I had fun this weekend. I actually have some comics on it, but I'm not done. I had band practice today and I'm tired so I couldn't finish them. By tomorrow I should be be done. So I'll talk about it then. Plus another new Stars on the Ceiling comic.
Thanks all and I'll see you tomorrow.

New Comic
Well, our fun's almost over, 'cause Tim's coming back tomorrow. But don't think of this as the end, because I'm sure I'll be back some time. Today's conceptual guest strip is by Eddie, and that's about all I know. If Tim hasn't told you yet, Backwards Alphabet is playing a show this Friday night at Molettiere's in Lansdale, PA.
Thank you for your attention, I return you in the faithful hands of Tim. FITZ!

New Comic
Hey, faithful
Stars on the Ceiling readers! This is FITZ! still filling in for Tim, because for some reason he still wants this stuff done every day, even when he's gone. Oh well, here's a guest strip from Dave. I like it. I think it's better than all of the other comics on this website combined.... just kidding...
Click on "New Comic" to see this work of comic mastery!

New Comic
Hey, This is FITZ! filling in for Tim! We're gonna have a lot of fun with Tim gone and his webcomic to ruin... hehe [evil laughter]. Well, I guess I'll just be posting some guest strips. Tim let me do today's, so I had to whip something up just now. I hope you like it.

One new one
"Ken's Darkroom Funhouse"
Well I'm finally going on vaction. Today I'm gonna be on vacation. So here is my first guest strip weekend. So tune in saturday and sunday to see guest strips by Dave and Eddie. Friday will just be me.
Also there won't be journal updates till I get back. To see the updates you'll have to check back here only. There will be a link inside the the newspost for the comic that day.
Muchos thanks to Fitz for taking care of this while I am gone. See you Monday.

One new one
"Back to the Drawing Board"
She didn't think what I drew resembled the guy I was drawing. I'm not really suprised, cause I haven't done acurate drawings of really people in my comic strip. So she felt bad about saying she wanted someone else.
But I felt nice to be called a cartoonist.

One new one
"It's Funny To Watch"
The sprinkles are out to get the students of Rutgers. It's just funny to watch the people step back and wait for the sprinkler go all the way around.
Yup so.....Bye.

One new one
"Summer Vaction is a Lie"
Class, despite the glume look on my face, was actually quite entertaining. The teacher is fucking hilarious. Especially since he kinda knows me.
I finally did it. I did the last few pages from my original sketch book. So now, if your incrediable bored you can read all my comics from begining to the most recent. Isn't technology great.
Well see you tomorrow.

One new one
AOYU - "Sellout? Who Cares"
Yea, I'm really liking doing As of Yet Untitled. Let me know what you think. Is it good or sucks?
What's hasn't been said about selling out. Since you tuned in for my opinion I must say the idea is just overated. It also depends where the term is being applied. Cause apparently it can be applied to all fasciates of art. I really don't want to rant about it. Cause it's just stupid.
I'm just gonna say that as long as it's true to yourself and what you want it to be. Then FUCK everyone else.

One new one
"The Only Comic Updated Before I Sleep"
My head hurts. With that said Let's talk about my day.
I hung out with my friend Dawn again. I decided to go to the Deptford Mall. Seems we are hitting the malls and movie theaters of South Jersey.
We ate at Apple Bees. It wasn't great. If I ever go back I may get a steak or something.
Next stop the mall. I must say I found the most shocking thing I have ever saw. A Hot Topic ACROSS FROM A HOT TOPIC. Granted one was classic Hot Topic while the one across was Hot Topic "ROCK". I felt the need to go up to the guy at the Rock version to say "When did hot topic become starbucks?", I think I offended him cause he broke down the difference between the two. The Rock one actually had music. In any case I picked up the Coheed and Cambria comic. It's the second, so now I need the first.
Next we went to the movies and saw The Island. It was an action packed movie. Lost of shit blowing up. Plus the hot Scarlett Johanson. Oh yea.
Anyway, night all.

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AOYU - "Doo Doo"
I just hung in the house. Watched a lot of red versus blue, the most awesome webcartoon.
I'm liking doing as of yet untitled. It's like a home for my random humor and it's a lot easier to get done then under construction, cause it's just in black and white. Even though I want the characters to be more then just vehicles to hang jokes on. But so far that's what they are and that's okay.

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"Isn't it J R R Tolkien?"
I feel a little better then yesturday. Still kinda tired but not as much. Coughing and stuff. So by tomorrow it might be better.
I finished my class today. I had an awesome final project. I just wish I had music in it. Hopefully I'll burn all the stuff and save it for the future. I felt embaressed when my teacher pointed out I used my cartoon self in my animation.

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"Sooooooooooo Sick"
I feel like utter and complete shit. It's fun waking up at 6:30 when you feel like crap. Well only one day left of class and work. I'll make it.
Cold's in the summer are as lame as commercials for back to school supplies. IT'S THE MIDDLE OF JULY FOR FUCK'S SAKE.
Okay, too tired to rant further. Later people.

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"Desprete Attempt At Being Deep"
I'm tired. Hopefully this is good. Later.
After you read, I must say I don't really know what happened, I heard some guy stole something, stole a cop car, and it ended up bad. At least that's what I heard.

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AOYU - "@#?!*"
Well I really wanted to do this joke for awhile. Since nothing funny today. See it's easier to do this side strip then Under Construction I might do these now if nothing instresting happens. Cause I'm sure everybody is getting sick of me doing jokes about writing the comic. But don't worry there will be plenty of Stars on the Ceiling in the future.
Well later.

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AOYU - "Beware the Chicken Man"
Well it was raining and lightning outside. Nothing happened. So here's As of Yet Untitled. It's more music centered then Stars on the Ceiling or Under Construction. Or centered around Emma. A sarcastic record store owner.
Maybe more comics of this to come.
For some reason Tripod is choosing to suck. So your gonna have to go to one of my journals to see today's comic. Hopefully it'll get fixed.

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"Thumbs Up"
So me and my sister went to go see Batman Begins. So now caught up with the rest of the world.
Now to review. I was overal, pleased with the movie. However the Christen Bales voice when he was in the batman suit was annoying. Also the head on the batman suit was kinda weird. My last grivence is the lack of more scare crow. The built up the fear angle so much, which is scare crow's thing. To just let me down.
Otherwise the action was cool and the pace was good.
Anyway. Later.

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"I'd Say That's a Pretty Postive Endorsment"
After running around four buildings me and Dawn drove out to Moorestown Mall. There were so many fucking kids outside. Some that where there when we arrived (around five) and left (around 10). There were alot of hardcore goth kids. There was a kid with lighting in mascara around his eyes, whoa.
Yea it was a great movie. Later.

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"What You Dream About When Your Awake"
I coulda swore I actually put up yesturday's comic on here. Sorry it's up there now.
Class is killing me. I have two projects to finish by next week, when the class ends. Then I start my photography class the week after. I'm excited to finally learn to us a camera properly.
Is it summer? Eh, who knows. I'm also really liking my title for today.

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"It Makes Sense"
The way I see it. Cynics see the world in a very wide scope, Optimist see more narrowly.
I wish I can remember what else I wanted to say. But I forgot. Oh well. Later people.

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"Wish I was a Photographer"
It was an interesting day. A friend of Backwards Alphabet named Kristen writes for a local zine. So we got interviewed. It was a lot of fun, we were in normal dork form.
Enojy the comic and later.

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"Tried to Pull a Fast One"
Well I need a vacation. So I figure I'll do what other webcartoonist do. DO SOME GUEST STRIPS. So I'm calling out to the fans, specifically ones who can draw. To send in some strips. If I like em you can be apart of my very first guest strip week(or two). So send your submissions to  I don't know what to tell anybody what to actually draw. I think all I'm asking is something original. Doesn't have to be a strip. It be cool if you incorperate my character somehow, but you don't have too. All I ask is that it can't be more the 500 pixels all the way around.
Also I have some old comics up. So check them out.

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"I'm a Professional, Don't Try This At Home"
Went to see Kill Verona or Little League whatever they calling themselves, last show. I feel bad not knowing any of their songs or own any of their records. But I have seen them three times. I also bought a demo from a band called Gehtto Box. They're from Canada.
I'm tired. I go lay down.....eventually.

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Yea I named it that on purpose.
Two of my Netflix movies finally came. The Jacket and Fahrenheit 451. Watched the Fahrenheit movie. It wasn't a great movie, but it killed an hour and a half.
Then that is all. Stay classy San Diego.

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Yea I know I'm late. Well I've said it before and I'll say it again, the next day starts when I go to sleep. So yea.
As you will read in the strip I didn't enjoy Dark Water. It was not scary. THE FUCKING RING WAS SCARIER. A FUCKING PREVIEW BEFORE THE MOVIE WAS SCARIER THEN THE MOVIE. I think that's bad I got more freaked out with a preview of a different movie then the one I payed 9.25 to see. In any case I was not scared. I think I woulda been more scared if I realized that there were two different girls. There was a scary part at the end. Otherwise it totally blew. 

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"TV Has Failed Again"
Netflix has been screwing me lately. According to them I should have two new movies today. BULLSHIT. So I'll be getting them tomorrow. They have been doing that for a couple of weeks. If they keep this up. I'll have to bitch on here more.
Also Say Anything(the band not the movie) are screwing me. They canceled their show on saturday. BAH.
So yea. I'm still on the main page on bolt. Weird.

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"Sad Day On the Farm" & "Shhh I'm Praying"
Just another day.
Truth be told the "oh my god" strip actually happened yesturday, but it was to late to draw and post it.
I'm still in shock that I got picked for the featured journal. I woulda been happy if one person a day that I I don't know comes to any of my sites. I'm shocked, still shocked.
Also I'm very very thankful that this is happened, thanks to all the people who read this strip.

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Yea, not a very interesting day. Just a very eh day.
I posted some more classic stars on the ceiling so check that out.
Also so very exciting news. My comic is the journal of the month in my club on bolt. I'm very excited and thankful to iamanamerican for making my journal the journal for the month of July.
Well that is all. Goodnight and hopefully tomorrow will be better.


My journal is the featured journal on bolt


I can't belive it. THANK YOU EVERYONE.


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"Screaming Eagle" & "Only 99 Cents More"
Happy fourth. Okay now that's outta the way.
Do to something yesturday I forogt to talk about some things I wanted to talk about. First of all. I've filled up sketch book #2. So from today's on it will be in the new sketchbook. How nice.
Next I recently picked up both CKY and Motion City Soundtrack's new records. If your suprised I like CKY I thank you. So far they are both okay. I imagine after quite a few listens it'll grow on me. It's weird I find it hard to actaully like bands records that come out after the last one I bought. I seem to be draw to there older stuff before any of their new stuff. Strange.
Well today was interesting. I had practice. dave forgot it was the fourth but since we haven't had a practice in awhile we all decided to fit one in. We spent it actually work on new songs. We have some nice riffs so far. Hopefully get to working on them. Then Fitz, Dave, Ted and I went to Plymouth Meeting Mall to have lunch. We ate at a Japanese place. We all had Teriakye chicken. Afterwards we went to a few stores. One of them was a comic book store. Inside I found what I've been looking for for a long time. A Tales of the TMNT #6. Why is this important you may ask? It's inked and drawn by the artist that was one of my inspirations for this very comic, Chris Allen. I haven't read it yet, but I plan too.
That is all. You may return to your daily program.

One new one
Well apparently I forgot to post the comic here. So I posted that and the new one today.
I went to my family's cottage in perkisie. Just sat around with my mom and my sister. Today we went out to do shopping and such.
Feeling kinda crappy so goodnight.

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"Stay Tuned"

One new one
"STAIRWAY!!!!!!! or FREEBIRD!!!!!"
Ah the first comic of the month.
There's one part of the song where Billie hit's harmonics really fast. So far I haven't hit the whole thing, but I'm working on it. I think my guitar's action is a little to low to do it, but I don't really know that type of thing.
Yea learning most green day songs are easy. Some are hard. Then again I've always had trouble learning overly complecated lead parts. Yea anyway, comic stuff. Bye.

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"Either Way It's Just Silly"
Another day another step closer to something or other. Yea, so I have off tomorrow, happy days. Enojy the comic and I'll see you all tomorrow for more insit into my somewhat interesting life. Haha I crack me up.

Two new ones
"What A Feeling" & "Gotta Damn Something"
Yea, I'm updating. I'm updating my old and new comics. So check the archive to see the classic.
I think to truely understand the comic about the light box. How I can sit for hours and hours and draw. I have a very very short attention span. As I do this I watch TV. I can't focus on things for to long kinda. *Wonders* Uh yea update. So to sit there and draw all that is a miracle.

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"I'm Skinny When I'm Standing, But I'm Buddah when I sit(Man I wish I Wrote That)"
I scanned alot today. I'm gonna scan alot tomorrow too. I scanned my comic tonight, much scanning.
Since my mom has left me for Washington for a conference, I cooked for myself. I cooked some wonderful friend chicken and Kraft Mac. It was good and I didn't die from food poisining, YAY. Just FYI.
Well enjoy the comic, bye.

Two new ones
"What Came First?" & "Oops"
Well today...SUCKED. I was tired all fucking day. I went to work. At 12:00 the whole library staff decided to go to a bar-b-que, I was left to "manage the store". Luckly nobody decided to come up to the counter with anything I couldn't do. Eventually I got a turn to take a crack at the bar-b-que. Not bad. After work I went to class. It is a animation fundimentals, encompasing introductions to classical, web and computer animation. Seems like it'll help when I get to the acutaly classes. Sadly this is my last year, so I waited to the end of my college years to actually take classes for my major. *slaps head*. Well to make myself feel better I'll look at it this way: If I make amazing work in just a year, maybe I'll get a job.
Afterwards Kelly and I went down to Golden Empress for dinner. It was good.
Oh yea I added a bunch of pages of my old comics on this site. So cruise over to the Archive to check it out.
I've noticed I'm actually talking about my day here with words instead of comics. Wow this is turning into a regular journal. Fuck.

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"Hopefully I'm Not Getting Repeditive"
Unfortuantly jokes about writing this comic seem to happen frequently lately. I'm worried it'll get repditive, cause I don't want to keep doing the jokes about writing it.
Today I went out for a drive. I went out to University City. I'm starting to like it up there. For some reason. Just the cool name "University City". Kinda wanna do a story with that name. But whatever. I actually found an arcade. What sucks is that it had to many fighting games. I played some Time Crisis and went away. I miss arcades, arcades where you use quarters, not tokens, not FUCKING cards, quarters. Like in the days when I was a kid. Unfortuantly I don't wanna go to the shore to actaully find an arcade.
Some might ask why I didn't write about my trip. I really didn't want to draw a car or me playing an arcade game. Actually now that I think about it, maybe I should have. Oh well, enjoy.

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"I Smotted Him, I smotted Him Good"
Today was a lazy day, as you can read by the strip. So to not totatlly write of the day, I got stuck at Wawa, and finished ten pages from my first notebook of comics.
Yes ladies and gentelmen it's classis Stars on The Ceiling. Back when I drew even worse then I do now. Looking back I found quite a few refering to Tiff. Realizing I didn't have any pictures with Tiff(cause I didn't like em), I like to think of my comics as a sort of pictures of our relationship. Even thought she complained it didn't look like her(nobodies does even now), it just reminded me. Lame I know but hey it works. But forget about it.

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"Stay Gold Pony Boy..Stay Gold"
The show was awesome. The open bands Joshua something or other and French Kicks. French Kicks set seem to go on and on towards the end. Then The Get Up Kids. I was so excited. I was excited about Reggie, I'm such a girl...tehehe. Not really, but James is awesome. Oh yea the rest of the guy's were awesome. Nah I kid I kid. I feel sad that I can't ever see them again. I hope they will return someday, hopefully they won't charge $50 when they do.
P.S. They didn't play Last Place you look =^(.

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"Last Place You Look"
Even though there is really no schedule for updates. Today's comic is up early. GET UP KIDS show tonight, the first and only time I'll get to see them(they're breaking up). So I'm going to forgo my usual drawing of the band(either just for now or just this once) I don't wanna break the streak so I did it yesturday and posting it today.
Enjoy and I'll be at the show singing along. Unfortuantly I doubt they'll play that song.

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"It Would Be Ironic If We Were All Made Of Iron"
There you go.

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"Everyone's Got a Story"
I like the idea of a person talking "smart" and replying "dumb". Even thought the strip translates "smart talk" to "dumb talk".
Anyway goodnight.

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"Goodbye Blue and White"
It was going to write about how tired I was. But I had to get Kelly the car. On the way back we began to worry that the car wouldn't be able to go anywhere cause of the leak. That it wouldn't last long. If we lose the van, somebody has to be stranded. I like that we have the other car cause we can each have a car. Also the many many many memories I've had in that car(and a few bad ones Ahem). Of loading up the van to go play shows in the basement. Of laying in the back seat while on long drives to various places(which added to the very high milage of the car).
As corney and sad as it sounds, it be like losing a member of the family. *sigh*. Hopefully we can get it fixed and keep it for awhile longer.

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"God Damn I Should Be A Graphic Designer"
Happy Father's Day Everybody. Hug whoever is your father figure is.
Now I'm going to list the title on the top of my news on here.
We went to Grandpa's an had KFC/Bosten Chicken(It's really Boston Market but that's what Grandpa calls it). Later Uncle Rickie came over with his new car and gave us rides.
The comic is based of a drawing I did in one of my many skecthbooks. I do intend to do better version. Do it as a post card or something. It would look awesome.

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Me and Kelly went to see Madagascar. Not really a movie I'd see again. It's pretty funny in some parts. Otherwise not really good.
Me, Mom, Charlie and Kelly had dinner together, we had a very nice waitress. I wish I got her name and let her know she's in the strip.

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I tried, I really tried. I just couldn't do it. So I just drew the first thing that came to me. Me running. Then I just built from there. Me in the corner just admits I had no idea what the fuck I just did.

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Well according to Jay, I looked like I was caught in the mountains for a few months. That was the only funny thing anybody said. In any case I'm now clean shaven and have short hair again. So there we go.

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I just watched Evil Dead 2. I came to realize after many years. I don't think I get the whole deadite deal. How exactly do deadites, work and stuff. Eh whatever still a great trilogy.
By all accounts Evil Dead 2 was a remake of Evil Dead. I enjoy the second one because Ash is a much more of a badass then in the first one. He was such a pussy. In Army of Darkness and Evil Dead 2 he kicked ass. Even though he was a dick in Army of Darkness.
Ironically this has nothing to do with today's comic, so read.


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Dude, I need to do more stuff. Bah. Eh, whatever. Enjoy the comic.

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Had band practice today. Then we watched a Star Wars Fan Film. It was lame, but it had cool animation for the ships and stuff.
Funniest thing was we started to argue whether greedo shot first or Han did in A New Hope. Even though everyone knows that HAN FUCKING SOLO, shot first.
In any case, enjoy the comic.

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There you go.

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I know technically I've lost my streak(*cough* yesturday too *cough*). But I define the end of the day when I go to sleep. In either case I couldn't do one cause I was out all day. So it's still a streak.

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Me and Kelly went to see Mr. and Ms. Smith. Angelina Jolie was amazingly hot in the movie, just very nice. It was an interesting people solve their maretial problems while killing people. It was funny worth seeing I think.

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I think I just had a bad day.

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I Just saw Appleseed, an anime. It was a beutiful movie. Such great animation. I want to do that kinda stuff. It was totally awesome.
Comic may be a little down today. But I'm keeping my streak alive.

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Yea, it was hard thinking up something funny, since I started this whole comic a day thing. Espeacially since nothing really interesting happened. Here it is.

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Too hot. Just too hot.

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I didn't want to break the roll I'm on. So here's what I did today. Hopefully I'll do another one tomorrow. I guess I wanna see how many I could do continually until I run out.

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Update time...come and get it kids.

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Hey Hey. Nothing else much going on, so I figure time to just do the funny stuff.

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Today we celebrated my sister's birthday. It's not till the 31st but we decided to do it today. She turn 24. Also we went to my brother's house to cleberate three birthday's at once. My brother Ricky aka Big Guy, Joey and Frankie. So it was a very big birth DAY.
I'm also thinking of joining the vast majority of webcomic artist and adding weird titles to accompanying my strip. *shrug* With that I'd have to do all of my strips. So, I might not.
Anyway that's all, take ere easy.

No new
Dave's is done. I call it "Master Cheif and Me." Click here.

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It's was to grey and just too rainy today to draw an comics. Also nothing interesting happened. Work, go home, go bed and repeat.
Anywho, I finally got around to do one of the contest winner drawing click here to see it. This is for Fitz, it was inspired by one of the ninja turtles movies, I forget which one. Hopefully he'll like it. I think I did pretty good on it. I plan to do Dave's drawing next

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Yea, obviously you have to appreciate the little things, when the big things suck.

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one new one
Went to see Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith with Andrew. It was good, like any Star Wars fan I'd say it was better then the first two, but honestly I haven't watched them in so long I forget. In any case this one was pretty awesome. I plan to see it again next week with Dave.
It was wierd seeing Darth Vader in a new Star Wars movie. Especially when he was being emotional.
Well go see it, it's worth seeing.

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I feel obligated to tell you guys that todays comic is a little on the scary side. I don't intend to hype it then let you guys down so I think it's a little scary.
It just didn't feel right just posting happy stuff, even though I haven't been too happy lately. I just thought it was time to just let it all out. It was very theraputic.
Thats all for now. Later.

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Do to a lot of stuff, I just forgot to post the Under Construction comic Yesturday. So here is the last one I have until I get the time and energy to do more.
Also I branched out into My Space territory to spread the Stars on the Ceiling story. I haven't done to much with it as off now but I'm sure something will be there soon.

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Yea, stuff. Enjoy.

two new ones
One Stars on the Ceiling and one Under Construction. I guess I'll just post the Under COnstruction till I run out, which is next week. Otherwise enjoy.

Four new ones
Here they go. Enjoy.

Thirteen new ones
I've done it. The wait is over. You can all breath again. Stars on the Ceiling is back. Thanks for your patience.
Okay I'm done stroking my ego, enjoy them, cause I kinda feel good when I draw them. Bye guys.

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I'm close to completing all the necessary Stars on the Ceiling to do an update. But until then, here's a new Under Construction.

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I'm torn, do I break continuity and post all the strips I actually have done, and forget the ones I need templetes for or continue not to post.
So I came to a compromise, I'm doing neither. Instead I'm posting my side comic, Under Construction. The reason is that I already have a few done so I can post those once a week until I'm ready to come back to Stars on the Ceiling and I don't have to draw anything.
So enjoy people. I'll be back next week with a new one.

No new ones
Sorry no updates kids. I've just haven't brought myself to finish all the new ones I have so I can update. It's a hectic time and I just can't finish em. I'm sure I'll get around to it, but it doesn't look like that will be happening anytime soon.

I just have a lot on my plate now, with school ending, and a lot of other stuff. So bear with me. There will be an update soon.

I'm sure nobody is on the edge of their seats waiting, but I just felt everybody should know whats going on.

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Nuff Said.

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It's a long road ahead.

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It's a bad time. I'm just trying to get through it.

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I added a guestbook. Just go to the left under the picture.

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We got one last winner for the contest, Nicole. Still getting the drawings done.
Well enjoy em people.

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For the contest we have three winners: Mike "Fitz" Fitzsimmons, Fran Wallace and Dave Drayton (in that order). Fitz and Dave haven't decided what they want me to draw, but Fran gave me his instructions and I drew something for him click Prize to see it. A soon as the rest tell me what they want, I'll post it.

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Well today's strip is interactive. If you guess what movie the quote is from, I will draw a personal artwork for you. So, go to it.

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Since my roommate decided to sleep at a somewhat resonable hour I got the comics up late. Anyway enjoy.
Also beware of new strips in the future from Under Construction and a as of yet untitled (CBA SONG, hmm now that I think about it may be the new title.) comic strip joining the Stars on the Ceiling mix. It be a speacial installment that would only appear on cetain days, or at least I hope so.
Well go back to enjoying later.

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Nuff said

One new one
Not wanting to sleep+beating halo=New comic. Simple really.

Eleven new ones
Note to self: Trying to do eleven strips in one sitting is not fun. But it's for my glorious audience that I busted my ass to cover my week long vacation. So enjoy my friends, enjoy.

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and that'll be the only new one for awhile.  As the strip explains today is the begining of my spring break. Since I've taken a week off from work I decided I will also take a week off from the strip. That doesn't mean I won't be drawing during the break, I just won't post them or they might just be rough sketches. Don't be afraid me children I will post next week.
Take it easy, SPRING BREAK 05 WOooooooo.

Three new ones.
"There's Nothing Left to SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY"-Fenix TX, Speechless.
Thought i'd spice it up a little by adding a quote instead of saying "that is all" or "till next time" or "later". Anyway that is all and till next time later.

Three new ones.

Two new ones.
That is all.

Seven new ones.
With the weekend and the snow day I got backed up. Never fear though, I have coverage from the whole weekend and up to today.
Thanks for waiting and enjoy.

Two new ones.
Oh what a glorious snow day.

Three new ones. Enjoy.

Five new ones. I got backed up due to weekend and a fire in my apartment building.
Speaking of the fire everybody made it out and nobody was hurt thankfully. Lucky for me the sprinklers didn't kill me computer.
Also if you want the new feature of commentary with my comic strips, check out one of my webjournal sites.
Also in other Lounge Act Studios news. I'm currently trying to find a better way to color Under Construction. Hopefully I can both speed up the process and maintain some level of quality (espeacially with the cheap ass photo program I'm working with).
Well that is all for now, take it easy.

Also some grand news. I've caved in and got a webjournal. "Why some would ask" "You suck" others would say. Well it's mostly a hope to get more people reading my little strip. So click xanga and click live journal to go there. Maybe you'll learn something about me.
Well later enjoy.

I also added a link to a new webcomic I found called Questionable Content. It has a very interesting story that has simply sucked me in. I read the whole series in one day. Thats how I know I like it or not. Also the girls in it are unbeleiveable cute and the lead girl looks like Tiff.
So enjoy.

Well I got some bad news, I finally hit the wall. I've run out of storage space.
So I've cheated several web sites and just signed up again on tripod. This site will continue to add news but the other will hold latest comic strips.
As always you can click the comic above to go to the latest comic. Or  you can click here.
Enjoy. And here's the link to a preview of my new comic: UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Well after 4 days of coloring I did it. The first comc strip of Under Construction is finished. Just click this link to visit it. If you enjoy it please let me know. If it is good I will go into production of more, so don't hesitate to let me know. That is all folks.

Two new ones.
Enjoy and soon I'll give a preview of my new project: Under Construtction.

Two new ones. I'm on a roll, just like my papa (who coincedently is in fact a rolling stone). I also added a colored picture, just for the hell of it. Thats it gotta run *dash*

Only one new one today.
In Lounge Act Studios news, I'm currently developing a new strip. It's a very cool idea (some say). I intend to leave the idea mysterious until I do some rough copies and get some comments from friends.  So keep your eye open when I release it.
Later homies.

Well I have six new strips, encompusing my sick day, Winter-een-mas and some funny things in between.
With nothing better to say I say, ENJOY.

No comic update, but a news update.
Had a cool winter-een-mas party at Dave's house. Have a couple of strips to put up as soon as I get around to it. But it was a fun celebration. Even though my team got wooped at Halo. Well I hope you squeeze in as much celebrating between now and the end of winter-een-mas.
A huge update will be coming soon, I swear (calm down Dave).

Added two new strips, enjoy them.
There won't be any new strips for awhile. It's a combination of me being sick for the past two days and running out of the templete in my sketchbook. So be paitent and they will come. Later.
Also, Happy Winter-een-mas. Break out a system and get your game on.

4 new ones, are up.

Enjoy(also a new link).

Back to school, back to school:
Hope everybodies re-entry into school is going easy.
Well I'm back here at Rutgers, so expect more updates more often. Like now, I added three new strips to the archive. I'm not up to date, kinda fell behind. SO I'll be trying to catch up this week.
Also my band Backwards Alphabet placed third in the Emergenza comic strip(soon to come in strip form). So we are going to play the North Star bar soon, I'll write when it is.
That is all, take care.

On the advice of a friend (Dave, I'm looking in your direction), I redid the comic archive. Now, I have only one strip per page, except for the much older ones. So hopefully any confusion on what order they go in is solved.
Oh, I also added  some more strips. Byyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. I have some new strips for yea. That is all.

Being home for winter break rocks. Unfortuantly that means a slow in the production of strips. So whenever I get around to it there will be fresh strips. See you then.

Added the last of the more recent strips, the even older ones will be added soon. So be on the lookout for the new ones.

Wow, my first entry. In any case, hello reader. I put up the first set of strips, I'll update as often as I can. While I am adding up to date strips I'm also adding an archive of the older ones, edited by either me or Tiff. Hopefully it’ll be all caught up soon. Enjoy

Copyright Lounge Act Studios